Violence is integral to our current world. The global war on terrorism, vicious wars in Latin America, in Africa, Asia and Europe have prevailed in much of the 20th century.
- Tagged under Arts & Books
2011 marks 10 years since 9/11. Two weeks prior to that momentous tragedy I was in New York and passed through the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan many times during my three-week stay.
Tagged under Human SecuritySamir Amin stands within the intellectual canon of African revolutionary thinkers whose gargantuan and prodigious lifetime’s work is invaluable to all human beings who seek to eliminate the predatory, devastating impact of capitalism in our times.
Tagged under GovernanceIn constructing Pan-Africanism in Africa, there is a critical role for a vibrant Pan-Africanist media to challenge the negative images and stereotypes of Africa in our globalised world.
Tagged under GovernanceI heard of Basil Davidson’s passing at the honourable age of 95 from a former student who forwarded an obituary to me. For years Davidson’s prolific work has been on reading lists I distributed to all students (regardless of ethnic background) on my African history courses.
Tagged under GovernanceIn revisiting some of the arguments I made in my New African article – sensationally entitled ‘Why I would not vote for Obama’ – I acknowledge that one year on, it is too soon to profoundly evaluate Obama’s presidency and the impact of his domestic and foreign policies to date.[1] I had deliberat
Tagged under GovernanceIn 1990 I vividly remember a white American customs official asking me at Dallas airport if I was a Nigerian and was I carrying drugs in my suitcase? For him, all Africans looked alike and nationality was unimportant.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaWhy is it that trillions could be found to bail out the banks by both President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown? Is bailing out the banks to the tune of trillions more important than climate change?
Tagged under Land & EnvironmentWhat these two books have in common is firstly that they have exceptionally compelling titles for those interested in their subject matter. Secondly, is the obvious fact that they are concerned with aid and Africa.
Tagged under Global SouthIncredulity was my response to President Barack Obama’s recent award of the Nobel Peace Prize on 9 October 2009.
Tagged under Human Security
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