The film, Us, written, directed and co-produced by Jordan Peele, is a clever metaphor for the United States of America.
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Striking a personal note, the Angolan leader, who completed his education in 1982 in Moscow, said: “Moscow then and now are two different cities. My congratulations – you have ensured progress and development for Russia and the Russian people.”
Tagged under Economics Angola Angola Russia relationsSince taking office after his successful election last year, this retired brigadier general has made a promising start, beginning with a massive investigation into corruption and mismanagement under the All Peoples Congress (the APC) government of ex-President Ernest Bai Koroma.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Sierra LeoneThe struggle for a just society is long, requiring action on many fronts
Tagged under Land & Environment VenezuelaThe lessons of Nigeria’s Elections 2019 to which I refer here are not abstract lessons-in-general or lessons-for-all-time, but concrete lessons that emerged for the use of political forces on the Nigerian Left that see the urgent need of re-dedication to the great cause and arduous task of buildi
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria Nigeria's 2019 electionsA brief narrative on Sudan’s coup
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Sudan Sudan revolutionIntroduction
You have to be able to risk your identity for a bigger future than the present you are living. Fernando Flores
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Identity politics“California is a state of geographical extremes: the deserts, the sierras, the long ocean coast, and the central valleys. It is a critical agricultural state, and every visitor ought to travel through the San Joaquin, Imperial, or Sacramento Valleys to see the sources of the food we eat.
Tagged under Economics Working class“Learn from life, learn from our people, learn from books, learn from the experience of others. Never stop learning. ” – Amilcar Cabral, freedom fighter.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Guyana Walter RodneyLike maggots crawling out of a decaying carcass, authoritarian populist parties and politicians have emerged in many parts of the world over the last few years.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance The rise of the far right
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