Mohamed Bouazizi and Bradley Manning remain powerful symbols of inspiration to progressive forces around the world – particularly young people globally - for their commitment to truth and social justice.
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On 25 May 2013 the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and its successor, the African Union (AU), will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. The date, also known as ‘African Liberation Day’ (ALD), is one that marks the fourth anniversary of the sudden departure of Dr.
Tagged under Pan-AfricanismWhilst Latin America underwent what was dubbed a ‘pink’ revolution in the 1990s and the decade of the noughties, Africa continued with its spineless neo-colonial leaders despite the crop of seeming charismatic and young leaders such as Ethiopia’s Meles Zenawi, Eritrea’s Isaias Afewerki, Rwanda’s
Tagged under Governance8 March 2013 marks the 102nd anniversary of International Women’s Day (IWD), first established by the German socialist and activist, Clara Zetkin in 1911. If she were alive today, what would she make of the conditions and achievements of women around the world?
Tagged under Gender & Minorities- Tagged under Arts & Books
My dear Patrice,
Tagged under GovernanceWhat has become of Haiti and the Haitian people since the earthquake of 12 January 2010?
Tagged under GovernanceBorn to Ghanaian parents in Britain, Roy Agyemang, director of a new film on Robert Gabriel Mugabe, entitled ‘Mugabe: Villain or Hero?’ intended to make this film in three months but instead took three years (from 2007-2010).
Tagged under Arts & Books ZimbabweWhen the news broke about Trayvon Martin - a 17-year-old unarmed African-American youth allegedly murdered by George Zimmerman, a self-appointed neighbourhood crime watchman in Florida, USA, on 26 February 2012 - I was half way through reading ‘Strange Fruit: the Biography of a Song’ by David Mar
Tagged under GovernanceFifty years since the untimely death on 6 December 1961 of Frantz Fanon, he continues to have immense relevance in our times. His writings were focused on the dialectics of the colonised and the coloniser during the era of the 1960s.
Tagged under Governance
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