Since its first days in office, the Trump administration has openly talked about going to war with Venezuela for its oil and ousting Venezuela President, Nicolas Maduro. To this end, the Trump administration has employed a variety of destabilising tactics and actions against Venezuela,
Weekly Submissions
- Tagged under Global South Venezuela Venezuela and Cuba
Tagged under Gender & Minorities East & Horn of Africa Women at workDuring the month of February, hundreds of thousands of Haitians took to the streets to demonstrate in response to the horrific economic crisis sweeping the Caribbean nation.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance South America Haiti RevolutionIf you happen to be African, a woman, Palestinian in Israel, or belong to a group that is routinely subjected to prejudice by a dominant population, you can usually spot bigotry the moment it shows its grotesque countenance. But, what if said bigotry is of the insidious variety – when
Tagged under Gender & Minorities Europe RacismSo feared was Sobukwe that, in an unprecedented move, the illegitimate-racist-European-regime designed legislation that was tailor-made for him. This was mainly done to limit the spread of his influence and in particular what the settler regime described as “his magnetic personality”.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South Africa Robert SobukweFirst, a confession. I am Igbo, whatever that means! I was born in 1966, a year before the Nigerian Civil War that lasted for 30 months, from July 1967 to January 1970.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria Nigeria questionWhite supremacists have been reported celebrating the shooter as a hero while the shooter hailed President Donald Trump as a hero of white nationalism.
Tagged under Human Security OtherThe Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara remains the last case of decolonisation in Africa.
The working class, if it decides to win in class struggle, has to assess the power of capital. Without this assessment, the struggles the working class carries on against capital turn to adventurism or capitulation or puerile disorder.
Tagged under Arts & Books The power of capitalPrior to this period, Western Europe had not been the centre of the world system, which was based in the Indian Ocean basin spanning from the North, West, South and East of Africa extending through Asia to the South Pacific.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Resistance to Slave Trade and colonialism
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