Pambazuka News 693: Africa rising? Fiction vs reality

The African Centre for Migration & Society, at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, invites applications for an interdisciplinary Master of Arts in Migration & Displacement at the continent’s leading academic institution on migration.

Based in the School of Social Sciences, the African Centre for Migration & Society) is an interdisciplinary, internationally engaged and Africa-based centre that shapes global discourse on human mobility and social transformation. more

The death of arts critic, journalist and Pan Africanist Thomas Deve has robbed Zimbabwe of a man of many talents.

Should those who took Ghana to the IMF in 1983 be allowed near economic decision-making in Ghana today? The country that until recently was touted as an example of ‘Africa rising’ is now in dire straits

It is clear that official African solidarity ends at the doorstep of self-interest. The paranoid policies of countries that have imposed travel bans to the countries hit by the Ebola crisis will, in fact, end up hurting everyone, like a vicious cycle.


Responses to and consequences of the current Ebola outbreak in parts of West and Central Africa have revealed the inequalities between healthcare systems in Africa and those in the western world. Awareness of these fault lines should increase the push toward universal healthcare for African citizens
