Your Excellencies,
- Tagged under Human Security Rwanda
Rwanda received roughly “US$1.22 billion” in development aid in 2016-2017, the most recent year for which official deve
- IntroductionTagged under Human Security South America
You have to know the past to understand the present. Carl Sagan
Missiles out of nowhere
Tagged under Human Security Sudan El-ShifaI spent part of June in Cameroon where I observed, learnt, and tried to make sense of the nationwide impact of the on-going Anglophone Conflict.
Tagged under Human Security Cameroon Anglophone crisis in CameroonIntroduction
Tagged under Human Security South America Edward SeagaHowever, if we go by the more common, less restrictive definitions, anyone who compiles and transmits information to a willing audience is a journalist. Some are good, most are awful, even evil, but Julian Assange is historic.
Tagged under Human Security Julian AssangeWhite supremacists have been reported celebrating the shooter as a hero while the shooter hailed President Donald Trump as a hero of white nationalism.
Tagged under Human Security OtherFrom this speculation has been born the criticism, which continues unabated and can be heard from commentators from across the political spectrum in a range of domestic and international quarters.
Tagged under Human Security US troops in SyriaThe uprising had kicked off in mid-February of 2011, after so-called activists – via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – called for a “day of rage” against the government of Colonel Gaddafi, who had ruled the country since his Al-Fateh Revolution of 1969, which removed the imperialist-client monarchy
Tagged under Human Security Libya Libya invasion
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