Pambazuka News 693: Africa rising? Fiction vs reality

Globalization cannot help develop Africa, as peddlers of the ‘Africa rising’ myth claim. In reality, globalization is yet another form of colonization - not by nations but by multinationals with the active support and encouragement of their governments. Happily, there are alternative paths to Africa’s true development

Over the decades, the Nigerian authorities have shown themselves to be unwilling to protect the lives and property of the people. The current crisis of the Islamist group Boko Haram fits in this pattern. No words should be spared to question the government and to demand action

One of the saddest things about the Ebola outbreak in parts of Africa is the infection and death of medical personnel courageously responding to this horrific public health emergency. In Nigeria, two women medical professionals died in this way. They should always be remembered and celebrated

Imperialism and Islamic fundamentalism are locked in combat. Imperialist powers are the source of the problem. Islamism would not have the power it now enjoys in the world without the imperialist system. Both must be opposed

The Ethiopian prime minister’s recent outburst against Eritrea appears to be an attempt to turn the spotlight away from his own government’s crises as it continues to face rising popular discontent against its various policies, crackdowns and interference in socio-religious affairs
