The middle classes in the Global South gained growing attention since the turn of the century, mainly through their rapid ascendancy in the Asian emerging economies.
Africans Rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity, an emerging pan-African citizens’ movement, condemns the World Bank’s and IMF’s lack of action on and complicity in illicit financial flows from Africa and calls on them, as well as African governments a
Tagged under Pan-Africanism IMF, World Bank, Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, Africa rising, Imperialism, Capitalism, PovertyAbstract
Tagged under Human Security African Development, Underdevelopment, Imperialism, Capitalism, Poverty, Globalisation, Africa rising'The Rise of Africa’s Middle Classes: Myths, Realities and Critical Engagements’, edited by Henning Melber. London: Zed Books 2016 and Johannesburg: Wits University Press 2017, 219 pp.
Tagged under Economics Africa rising, Neoliberalism, African middle classes, African DevelopmentThe parlous story of African economic and social development since independence best expressed in the failure to achieve the autonomous capacity for self-actuated development and in particular to create conditions of national and continental modern mass production and prosperity is well known and
Tagged under Economics Aliko Dangote, African Development, Africa rising