An open, frank public discussion about the IMF’s regrettable history and current agenda is sorely needed, in a context where a few honest politicians and officials are belatedly struggling to reverse what is termed “state capture” and return stolen funds to the taxpayer.
- Tagged under Economics South Africa IMF
Africans Rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity, an emerging pan-African citizens’ movement, condemns the World Bank’s and IMF’s lack of action on and complicity in illicit financial flows from Africa and calls on them, as well as African governments a
Tagged under Pan-Africanism IMF, World Bank, Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, Africa rising, Imperialism, Capitalism, PovertyThe US president’s job is to run the American system. It is variously called ‘Capitalism’, ‘Democracy’, ‘Free market enterprises’ and others (the label used dependents upon the crowd being addressed and the theme of the talk).
TRANSLATION: “A two-month prison sentence for a homeless who stole pasta. Cashier Vanessa is sacked because of a €5.35 mistake. Christine Lagarde, income €31,000 a month, no tax, is declared guilty for €400M present to Tapie, but exempted and FUCKS YOU”.
Tagged under Governance Christine Lagarde, IMF, corruption, The Tapie case, Credit Lyonnais, CADTMA few months ago Ghana’s New Patriotic Party (NPP) seemed mired in party indiscipline manifesting itself in leadership clashes, ethnic divisions and rumours of a spent kitty.
August 5, 2016
Ms. Christine Lagarde,
Managing Director,
The International Monetary Fund,
700 19th St NW, Washington, DC 20431, United States
Tagged under Governance Rwanda Rwanda, Paul Kagame, IMF, World BankFor decades African countries have been forced by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to implement neoliberal policies, including opening their markets to foreign competition, reducing the role of the state in providing basic services and abolishing subsidies to the poor.
Tagged under Economics Europe Neoliberalism, IMF, World Bank, Christine Lagarde, Structural Adjustement Programmes