Addressing widespread poverty is the single most important policy challenge facing South Africa. Not only is poverty high when benchmarked against other emerging economies of the world, but also the rate of poverty reduction has been slow.
Humans of the world are facing oblivion through man-made super-fast global warming and the real possibility of a final nuclear shoot-out, although a collapse of the US-dominated monetary system may come first.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Christianity, Vatican, Catholic Church, Capitalism, Poverty, Imperialism, Climate Change, Donald TrumpThe middle classes in the Global South gained growing attention since the turn of the century, mainly through their rapid ascendancy in the Asian emerging economies.
Africans Rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity, an emerging pan-African citizens’ movement, condemns the World Bank’s and IMF’s lack of action on and complicity in illicit financial flows from Africa and calls on them, as well as African governments a
Tagged under Pan-Africanism IMF, World Bank, Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, Africa rising, Imperialism, Capitalism, PovertyAbstract
Tagged under Human Security African Development, Underdevelopment, Imperialism, Capitalism, Poverty, Globalisation, Africa risingThe concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands has been at the center of increased political contestation and media attention in recent years.
Tagged under Economics Inequality, Poverty, Walter Rodney, Underdevelopment