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Tagged under Human SecurityThe 17-year quest for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo has taken a significant step in the right direction; however, many concerns remain. Last week the Congolese military routed the Rwanda and Uganda-backed M23 and declared an end to its reign of terror against the Congolese people.
Tagged under Human SecurityIn the wake of the typhoon which did such incalculable damage to the Philippines, meaningful demands must be made upon richer countries to urgently cut emissions.
Tagged under Human Security South AfricaThe Congolese war, which has killed over six million people since 1996, is the deadliest conflict in the world since the Second World War.
Tagged under Human SecurityThe western propaganda system is again trotting out the refrain that ‘rebels in Congo have been defeated.’ The latest so-called ‘rebels’ -- the M23 forces -- are actually Rwandan government troops, not rebels.
Tagged under Human SecurityEarlier this year, President Obama asked how one might weigh the “tens of thousands who’ve been killed in Syria versus the tens of thousands who are currently being killed in the Congo?” But as tragic and devastating as the Congo conflict is, Congolese are not asking for the United States - or th
Tagged under Human Security Democratic Republic of CongoIn any war waged by the people of Ghana, our Commander-in-Chief is not only expected to be seen verbally declaring our intentions but actively executing actions aimed at winning the war.
Tagged under Human Security GhanaIN THIS ISSUE
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Tagged under Human SecurityWe, members of the Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government, commonly referred to as Africa Forum (AF), have been deeply concerned about the protracted civil war in Syria, which has now raged for two-and-a-half years.
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