This April, Rwandans mark 20 years since the genocide in 1994. In just three months, approximately 800,000 people, mostly ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutus, were butchered in horrific massacres in a genocide while the world watched.
Human Security
- Tagged under Human Security Rwanda
News on Countries of Origin
News on Countries of Asylum
Deportation News
Grants and awards
Calls for papers
Letters to the editor
Death of Col. Karegeya: Unending hunt for Rwandan refugees
Tagged under Human SecurityINTRODUCTION
Tagged under Human SecurityOn 10 November 2013, the governments of Kenya and Somalia, and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), signed a tripartite agreement to repatriate Somali refugees from Kenya to ‘safe areas’ in southern Somalia. The exercise was expected to be voluntary.
Tagged under Human Security MaliRecently, I travelled to the Tindouf refugee camps to take a part in the FiSahara International Film Festival. As a Moroccan, the decision to go was difficult, and I weighed several potential repercussions.
Tagged under Human SecurityThe year 2013 marked of the start of political upheavals and speculations in the Republic of South Sudan.
Tagged under Human Security South SudanPresident Paul Kagame has come to love United Nations peacekeeping operations. This is ironic since he hates the United Nations, and does not actually believe in peacekeeping.
Tagged under Human Security RwandaThere is one thing that the so-called peace conference on Syria was guaranteed to achieve and that is that when the last speech is made and the delegates leave the hall, the grotesque bloodletting and devastation will continue for the people of Syria. Why?
Tagged under Human Security30 December 2013
Tagged under Human Security South SudanGeneva, Kampala, New York, Tuesday 24 December 2013
Tagged under Human Security South Sudan
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