Moses Magadza

The Chairperson of the SADC PF’s Standing Committee on Democratisation, Governance and Human Rights
Photo credit: Moses Magadza

On what has been hailed as a great day and a milestone for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, the plenary assembly session of the SADC parliamentary forum recently adopted the first ever SADC model law on elections.

Moses Magadza

Underage marriage is a big problem in Southern Africa. Now the regional parliament has won praise for enacting a new model law to end the menace. The challenge lies in adoption and enforcement of the law in the member states.

Zimbabwe celebrates thirty four years of independence this year. It is also a time to begin the third Chimurenga (struggle) to advance the ongoing land reform in the country

Namibia needs to tackle the problem of gender based violence in the country. A new degree in gender and development studies will assist in grappling with such problems. However, some argue that dealing with the epidemic of gender violence facing Namibia will require more than developing academic programmes

She is a Zimbabwean editor whose books have won the biggest number of international awards for the country. In this interview she shares her experiences

In this exclusive and wide-ranging interview with MOSES MAGADZA, BEAVEN TAPURETA, a well-known Zimbabwean poet says, inter alia, that too many people all over the world continue to turn their noses at writers, perpetuating the mistaken belief that they are essentially unemployed people. He says far from being part of the lumpen proletariat, writers are full-time workers and unless and until they are regarded as such, their rights would continue to be violated. Tapureta is the founding more


Mandela is indisputably an icon of resistance and his positive legacies should be evaluated alongside his negative legacies


The new health extension worker programme has been successfully implemented in several countries and its supporters are optimistic that it will help Namibia fill gaps in its over-stretched health system.