Under the rhetoric of “green economy”, capitalists are actually attempting to use nature as capital, proposing unconvincingly that the only way to preserve natural elements such as water and forests is through private investment.
Durban will be worse than Copenhagen and Cancun, Pablo Solon predicts. ‘Instead of becoming stronger, the fight against climate change is becoming more soft and flexible, with voluntary commitments to reduce emissions.’
Pablo Solón writes that, throughout 2011 climate change negotiations have focused on form rather than content. In Durban, the negotiators will want to undo the Kyoto Protocol. That would be suicidal.
In the Rio+20 next year are part of the same track, says Solon, and its essential for progressive forces to mobilise in...read more
In the Rio+20 next year are part of the same track, says Solon, and its essential for progressive forces to mobilise in preparation for the Durban conference in partnership with strong social movements like Via Campesina and the trades unions.
Zahra Moloo Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012 and the development of ‘green capitalism’. Before the summit, Bolivia is to hold a gathering on climate change and mother earth’s rights, to mobilise progressive forces in the fight against climate change and green capitalism.