In this latest installment of the ongoing exchange between Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, on the one hand, and Alex Obote-Odora, on the other, the authors of ‘Enduring Lies’ conclude that there is no point in arguing with the former senior official of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. His attempt to legitimise the assassination of Rwandan President Habyarimana, which sparked the genocide, is just part of efforts to cover up the Rwandan Patriotic Front’s culture of more
In this latest installment of the ongoing exchange between Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, on the one hand, and Alex Obote-Odora, on the other, the authors of ‘Enduring Lies’ conclude that there is no point in arguing with the former senior official of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. His attempt to legitimise the assassination of Rwandan President Habyarimana, which sparked the genocide, is just part of efforts to cover up the Rwandan Patriotic Front’s culture of impunity, argue the authors.