Andrew M Manyevere

Gumede is right in his conclusion that people will seek refuge in tribalism when democratic institutions are made to fail.

I am following up on the subject of small arms that was well debated in the article “The Role of Small Arms in African Civil Wars" This subject to me is at the center of whether or not Africa understands democracy and can successfully rule itself for prosperity.

Let me make my standpoint clear. I am of the belief that Africa should lead on matters of moral values and reduce tendencies towards a malcontented society.

There is an argument of convenience that asserts that more

There are many similarities between the Ugandan political situation and that of Zimbabwe. While Uganda did not have political parties from the post Idi Amin era, Zimbabwe has had a dictator in President Robert Mugabe.

The Congo crisis of 1998 was a political situation which benefited the Uganda army as well as the Zimbabwe army in addition to all top officials in these countries. The visit in Congo was not nationalistic at all but very selfish, causing clashes between African states more

As a Zimbabwean in the Diaspora, the Commonwealth stance on Zimbabwe is good but not good enough.

The toothlessness of Commonwealth gatherings is occasioned by the presence in the forum of African leadership that never come up with substantive ways to change tyrannical regimes.

Maybe due to the nature of the composition or constitution of this body, we witness the failure of a radical approach to grievances of human rights abuses. In recent years Zimbabwe has remained a matter more

The interview with Prof Issa Shivji is in many respects straight outright which, is what I think, lacks within the African leadership as they dine and wine around diplomatic polemics while the ordinary people suffer from the outcome of indecision by its leadership. The comment by Prof Shivji sends strong signals that Africans are intelligent and know exactly where problems emanate: "….It is African leaders who like poodles dance to the tune; the African people in their villages have little more

I want to make brief comments on World Press Freedom day in relation to Zimbabwe. No matter how Shabir Shaik may have misconstrued his sentence or remarks on him from the media to justify what happens in Zimbabwe as a result is an insult to humanity and the dignity that we talk of in freedom.

To say Mugabe may have gotten up one morning and say enough is enough, for who through? If it was enough for him then he should resign and let someone else run the affairs of the country rather more

I notice many efforts African heads of states put towards the betterment of the continent and one feels most obliged at the foresight and vision. The spirit is excellent and cannot be faulted at all.

I feel though that what Africa lacks is that political will to sincerely eliminate her burdens. There has to be collective will to permit leadership circulation.

For as long as the Africa Union cannot create fear for abuse of authority in her member states there will always be more