Elisabeth Nyffenegger

Your recent article “Confronting impunity through the ICC: is Africa ready and waiting?” Has triggered a number of considerations that I wish to submit here.

The issue that troubled me most is the suggestion that amnesty may be a way forward in a situation of peace negotiations! While one may have to accept a certain delay in carrying out justice for purely tactical reasons, such as the perpetrator has still such an enormous nuisance value - as was the case after the fall of both Pino...read more

Thank you for the last edition of Pambazuka! Much appreciated and widely dispersed! I read with vivid interest the sober and chilling summary made by Caplan on Rwanda and it brought back plenty of memories. I note with interest that a number of committees have formed albeit outside Rwanda to commemorate the massacre. I always view such events with some misgivings. I tend to fear that such events become the grounding for a culture of disaster such as that perpetuated by the Jews and the Shoa w...read more