Sudan: Human rights activist still held in unknown location

Human rights defender Mr Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash continues to remain in detention without charge for more than two months

On 23 September 2014, the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) raided Mr Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash's company and arrested him for allegedly printing posters intending to commemorate protesters who were killed during protests in September 2013. The human rights defender has been held without charge for more than two months and his current place of detention has not been confirmed.

Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash is a human rights defender and the head of the Youth Committee for Resisting the Building of Dal and Kajbar Dams in the Nubian part of northern Sudan. He mobilized Nubian communities in Khartoum and the Nubian villages to resist the building of the dams that would effectively erase the Nubian people's land in the area. He also owns a printing company in Khartoum.

The human rights defender was arrested following the raid of his company carried out due to the company's alleged involvement in printing posters commemorating the peaceful protesters who were killed during the September 2013 protests. Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash was among over 70 human rights defenders and political activists who were arrested on 23 September 2014 which human rights defenders in the country believe was in order to prevent events marking the first anniversary of the September 2013 protests from taking place. A wave of protests broke out in September 2013 in Wad Madani, Khartoum, Omdurman and other towns after presiding Omar Al-Bahsir announced an end to fuel subsidies. It was reported that more than 170 people, including children were killed.

There are fears that Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash has been subjected to ill-treatment or torture in detention. His family was allowed to visit him only twice at Kober prison since he was arrested in Khartoum. They were denied any further visits although they made repeated requests. The visits were attended by security personnel and the family was not able to ask about his detention conditions.

According to the 2010 National Security Act the NISS is granted powers to arrest and detain people for up to four and a half months without judicial review, and with complete impunity in the case of arbitrary detention. This law is in violation of international human rights standards regarding the rights of detainees and due process.

Front Line Defenders expresses its grave concern at the continued detention of Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash, particularly in light of the crack-down on human rights defenders by the authorities in Sudan. Front Line Defenders is concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of the human rights defender, and it is believed that his detention is solely related to his peaceful and legitimate human rights activities.

Front Line Defenders urges the authorities in Sudan to:

• Unconditionally release Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash;

• Communicate immediately his whereabouts to his family and lawyers and ensure they have access to him unhindered;

• Carry out an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation into the allegations of torture and ill-treatment of Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash with a view to publishing the results and bringing those responsible to justice in accordance with international standards;

• Take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity and security of Rashid Shikhaldeen Abash;

• Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Sudan are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.