South Africa: South African Civil Society Committee for COP17
Climate change negotiations have not delivered what is needed to stop climate change. Following on from the outcomes of the past two years, the Durban hosted COP17 could be a defining moment for climate activists. At a January meeting of South African environmental, social, trade union, faith community and climate justice organisations, the Civil Society Committee for COP17 (C17) was mandated to facilitate civil society engagement in COP17. The C17 will work towards coordinating joint actions at and in the lead-up to COP17.
South African Civil Society Committee for COP17
First Public Communication
04 April 2011
Please distribute freely
Contact : [email][email protected]
Climate change negotiations have not delivered what is needed to stop climate change. Following on from the outcomes of the past two years, the Durban hosted COP17 could be a defining moment for climate activists.
At a January meeting of South African environmental, social, trade union, faith community and climate justice organisations, the Civil Society Committee for COP17 (C17) was mandated to facilitate civil society engagement in COP17. The C17 will work towards coordinating joint actions at and in the
lead-up to COP17.
We hereby invite further participation and involvement from international and South African civil society organisations.
Please contact Ferial Adam for further discussion.
Email : [email][email protected]
The Global Day of Action on December 3rd 2011, is a joint action of international and South African civil society to raise awareness and voice civil society concerns. This group is convened by Des D’Sa.
'The Space' is an open and inclusive venue that will accommodate the full spectrum of civil society voices. It will have meeting and caucus rooms, auditoriums, exhibition spaces, arts and expression spaces, and a media centre. This group is convened by Bryan Ashe.
An education and mobilisation strategy will help strengthen civil society engagement with the negotiations and the development of good solutions. This group is convened by Thembeka Majali.
The media and communications strategy will raise awareness of COP17 and climate change in the general public and mainstream media. This group is convened by Blessing Karumbidza.
• A series of meetings was held by South African civil society during 2010, culminating in a Durban meeting in January 2011 that was attended by 130 representatives from 80 organisations and coalitions. The C17 was nominated at the Durban meeting.
• The United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to hold its 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) in Durban, South Africa from 28 November to 9 December 2011. This is a government negotiations space where there is limited room for engagement by civil society.
Civil Society Committee for COP17
The C17 has representation from a broad range of organisations including NGO’s, CBO’s, faith communities, trade unions and academia. Many of the organisations on the committee are coalitions.
Alice Thomson: Earthlife Africa eThekwini
Bandile Mdlalose: Abahlali baseMjondolo
Blessing Karumbidza: Timberwatch
Bryan Ashe: Geasphere
Des D’Sa: South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA)
Ferrial Adam: Earthlife Africa Johannesburg
Laura Tyrer: WWF
Kelebogile Nthite: GenderCC
Melita Steele: Greenpeace Africa
Rehana Dada: Timberwatch
Sibusiso Gumede: Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
Sibusiso Owen Ndidi: Eastern Cape Environmental Network (ECEN)
Simon Vilakazi: Economic Justice Network (EJN)
Siziwe Khanyile: GroundWork
Sue Brittion: Southern African Faith Communities Environment Initiative (
Thembeka Majali: Alternative Information Development Centre (AIDC)
Wendy Tsotetsi: Youth Agricultural Ambassadors