South Africa: Pro Bono HIV/Aids legal clnic
People who are HIV+ often have to cope with more than illness. Sometimes health rights are violated and access to treatment is denied or severely limited. Because of HIV+ status, there is discrimination at work. Discrimination is also suffered when it comes to housing and insurance. It is for this reason that ProBono.Org, a non-profit clearing house increasing access to justice via pro bono legal services, provides a weekly legal clinic where HIV+ people can access free legal advice and services. This service is available to people throughout South Africa. All you need to do, is call in on a Tuesday morning.
8.30 am – 12 noon: every Tuesday
9th Floor Schreiner Chambers – South Wing
94 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg
tel: 011 336 9510 fax: 011 336 9511
[email][email protected]
People who are HIV+ often have to cope with more than illness. Sometimes health rights are violated and access to treatment is denied or severely limited. Because of HIV+ status, there is discrimination at work. Discrimination is also suffered when it comes to housing and insurance.
HIV+ positive people, who suffer most discrimination, are also the ones who have least access to legal services. Additionally, the cost of legal services is generally not within their reach.
It is for this reason that ProBono.Org, a non-profit clearing house increasing access to justice via pro bono legal services, provides a weekly legal clinic where HIV+ people can access free legal advice and services. This service is available to people throughout South Africa. All you need to do, is call in on a Tuesday morning.
The weekly legal clinic operates as follows:
* It is open from 8.30 am to noon every Tuesday.
* The clinic is staffed by experienced attorneys from different law firms.
* Clients must make appointments, or are seen on a ‘first come first serve’ basis.
* If you are outside of Gauteng, the attorneys are available to give telephonic advice.
* Attorneys assist clients in any of the following ways: advice, opinions, non-litigious interventions, alternative dispute resolution, and/or litigation.
* As far as possible, attorneys attempt to resolve the problems immediately. Where this is not possible, the client becomes a client of the relevant firm, and the firm will finalise the matter on a pro bono basis.