September 2013 Issue of the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid newsletter
The September 2013 issue of the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter is now available: Please help us distribute it, and consider contributing in the future. You can also like our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter!
News on countries of origin
News on countries of asylum
Deportation & Detention News
Conferences & workshops
Calls for papers
Letter to the editors: ‘To achieve a solution or die’
SPECIAL FEATURE: The state of Rwandan refugee protection after the Cessation Clause
June 30th Cessation deadline’s inconclusive
Finding a home at last? Rwandan exiles in Zambia
Memorandum of Rwandan refugees in Uganda to Kagame’s regime over its pressure for return of Rwandan refugees
The beginnings of refugee legal aid in India
Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network statement on recent policy announcements in Australia
KISA condemns another incident of discriminatory treatment regarding granting Cypriot citizenship to a family from Sri Lanka
Canadian Council for Refugees welcomes Ezokola decision clarifying refugee exclusion
AH (Article 1F(b) - ‘Serious’) Algeria v. SSHD
R v Mateta & Ors, [2013] EWCA Crim 1372 30 July 2013
Excerpt: Lack of an effective remedy in relation to deportation and unlawful detention of Syrian national
Excerpt: Deportation of failed asylum seekers originally from cities in northern Iraq would not breach their human rights as they could relocate to other regions
Excerpt: Opinion of Lord Eassie in the appeals
Republic of Kenya in the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi, Petition No. 19 OF 2013 Consolidated with Petition No. 115 of 2013
Harming asylum seekers’ chances through poor use of human rights treaties
Hungary’s asylum system under pressure
Why do we still have refugee camps?
Response I: ‘Why do we still have refugee camps?
Response II: ‘Why do we still have refugee camps?
Information links