Information Overload? - Give me 5 minutes and I'll make your life easier!

I get to talk with a lot of you at conferences, in email, and on the phone, and something many of you have in common is: Information overload. Here's a tip from that can help you remain informed, yet sane.

Electronic mailing lists (often called listservs) are a great resource, but they can fill up your inbox in a hurry. Almost all email programs have the ability to "filter" these messages into their own email boxes where you can read them at your leisure and within context. Microsoft Outlook calls these filters "rules."

Hunt down your favorite techno-geek and have them set up a few filters for your favorite mailing lists. This takes only a few minutes and can save you hours! If you're the do-it-yourself type, has a good article on mailing lists.

Use filters. Your inbox will love you for it.