ZIMBABWE: Fifth Congress of the Federation of African Immunological Societies

April 28 - May 1, 2003

The Fifth Congress of the Federation of African Immunological Socie-
ties (FAIS) with be hosted by the Zimbabwe Immunological Society at the Zimbabwean holiday resort of Victoria Falls.

Fifth Congress of the Federation of African Immunological Societies

April 28 - May 1, 2003
The Elephant Hills Hotel, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

First Announcement

The Fifth Congress of the Federation of African Immunological Socie-
ties (FAIS) with be hosted by the Zimbabwe Immunological Society at
the Zimbabwean holiday resort of Victoria Falls, one of the natural
wonders of the world and a United Nations Heritage site.

The FAIS, a grouping of national societies of immunology in Africa is
affiliated to the International Union of Immunological Societies
(IUIS) and has sister federations in Asia/Oceania (FIMSA), Europe
(EFIS), Latin America (ALAI) and North America. One of the main ob-
jectives of FAIS is to promote the science and practice of immunology
in Africa. The inaugural congress was held in Harare in 1992. Subse-
quent congresses were held in Nairobi, Kenya (1994), Cape Town, South
Africa (1997) and Younde, Cameroon (2000).

The theme of the fifth congress encompasses current challenges to im-
munologists working in Africa. The major challenges include HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis, malaria and other regionally relevant tropical infec-
tions. Regional and international experts will address the research
and clinical aspects of these conditions. The interface of allergic
conditions and immunity will feature prominently.

Satellite workshops covering a variety of topics will be arranged be-
fore and after the meeting.

Abstract Submission Dates

Early Bird: December 15, 2002,
Late Submissions: February 15, 2003
Abstract Book will be available at the registration desk.

All proceedings will be conducted in English.

Victoria Falls International Airport can be reached via the regional
airline hubs of Harare (Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg (South Africa).
There are direct flights from Harare, Johannesburg and London.

Delegates will be accommodated in a variety of hotels ranging from
the five-star Elephant Hills Hotel and the Victoria Falls Hotel to
the three-star A'Zambezi River Lodge and guesthouses.

Contact Persons

Elopy Sibanda, M.D
President, Federation of African Immunological Societies (FAIS)
Department of Immunology
University of Zimbabwe Medical School
P.O Box A178, Avondale
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-791-631
mailto:[email protected]

Patricia Ndhlovu, PhD
Secretary General, Zimbabwe Immunology Society
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences
University of Zimbabwe Medical School
P.O Box A178, Avondale
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-791-631
mailto:[email protected]

Congress Package, Pre and Post Congress Tours
Kristina Korsgaard Nicholson
Albatros Travel, GT Bain Centre
P.O Box A147, Avondale
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-303-372/54
Fax: +263-4-303-336
mailto:[email protected]

Victoria Falls Branch: +263-11-219-823

Albatros Travel & Safari in conjunction with FAIS will organise your
accommodation and conference activities, as well as pre- and post-
conference tour, spouse activities during the conference and any
other excursions in Victoria Falls, Hwange, Botswana or Zambia.

Please fill in and FAX or e-mail the attached slip

Name: ............................................

Email: ...........................................

Fax: .............................................

I would like to attend the Fifth Congress of the FAIS
I hope to present a paper, my topic is likely to be:

.................................................. ..