Conciliation Resources is seeking an experienced organisation manager for its London office.

Conciliation Resources is seeking an experienced ORGANISATIONAL MANAGER for its London office (please see details below).

Please forward to friends and colleagues likely to be interested in applying.

As part of our "Breaking in - careers in the development sector" program, AFFORD helps to publicise opportunities that arise in the mainstream development sector in order to encourage more applications from suitable
candidates among the African diaspora.

AFFORD's email discussion group, "Africans Without Borders", focuses on the practical ways in which the African diaspora -- individuals and organisations -- can contribute to Africa's development. If you would like to join the discussion group, please send an email to
[email protected] expressing your interest.

Please let us know if you would prefer not to receive such postings in the future.

AFFORD (African Foundation for Development)
54 Camberwell Road, London SE5 0EN, UK

Tel: +44 (0)20-7703 0653
+44 (0)7710-329 389
Fax: +44 (0)20-7701 2552
Email: [email protected]

"Expanding and enhancing the contribution that Africans in the diaspora make to Africa's development"