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The Second South-South Biopiracy Summit is to be hosted by Biowatch South Africa on the 22-23 August in Johannesburg, South Africa, just prior to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). The aim is to raise awareness, enable information sharing, and build capacity on issues of access and benefit sharing, as well as to facilitate the development of mutual strategies and statements for the WSSD. The Summit will also provide an important opportunity to review the progress on implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), since its adoption in Rio ten years ago.


Second South-South Biopiracy Summit

"Biopiracy - Ten Years Post-Rio"

Hosted by Biowatch South Africa

22-23 August 2002

Johannesburg, South Africa

Overall aim: The Second South-South Biopiracy Summit is to be hosted by Biowatch South Africa on the 22-23 August 2002, just prior to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). The aim is to raise awareness, enable information sharing, and build capacity on issues of access and benefit sharing, as well as to facilitate the development of mutual strategies and statements for the WSSD. The Summit will also provide an important opportunity to review the progress on implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), since its adoption in Rio ten years ago.

DATE: Thursday, 22nd & Friday, 23rd August 2002

VENUE: ST STITHIANS COLLEGE, Peter Place (off William Nicol Drive), 10 MINUTES drive from Sandton Convention Centre, SANDTON, Johannesburg

If you would like to participate in this event, please REGISTER ON-LINE at (from Monday, 8 July 2002) OR contact Nicci van Noordwyk for a copy of the delegate registration form at [email protected] or telephone Biowatch South Africa, Tel: +27 21 447 5939 Fax: +27 21 447 5974

A detailed programme will be available on the website as from Monday, 8 July 2002, or on request from the Biowatch office.

Please note:

There is a registration fee of R150 per delegate on DAY 1 (22 August 2002) ALTHOUGH THIS FEE WILL BE WAIVED FOR ORGANISATIONS UNABLE TO AFFORD IT. Payment will be accepted on DAY 1 at registration.

Biowatch is unable to cover the costs of travel of delegates to the Biopiracy Summit UNLESS BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT.


Draft Programme as follows:


Aim: To share information and raise awareness on access & benefit sharing, bioprospecting, biopiracy, intellectual property rights, traditional knowledge. This day is primarily focused on civil society sharing experiences on legislation implementation & community experiences through case studies.

This day takes the format of 2 parallel sessions.

Parallel Session 1: BIOPROSPECTING AND BENEFIT SHARING - regional & national updates with some case study presentations.

Parallel Session 2: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS & TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE - regional & national updates with some case-study presentations.


Aim: To share information and raise awareness on access & benefit sharing, bioprospecting, biopiracy, intellectual property rights & traditional knowledge. A range of sectors will participate in this event, including NGOs, CBOs, government delegates, industry and the media.

The day will comprise 2 high-level panel discussions with representatives from NGOs, government and industry.

Panel discussion 1: BIOPROSPECTING AND BENEFIT SHARING : Empty Promises or Real Rewards?

Panel discussion 2: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS & TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE : Profiting from or Protecting Community Rights?

We will also be holding a media briefing session at the end of DAY 2.