Political Science 675c, Nutrition Rights, Fall 2001
In fall 2001, Nutrition Rights will be offered as a graduate course in political science by Professor George Kent of the University of Hawai'i. The course examines the meaning and the application of the human right to adequate food and nutrition. Participants should gain an understanding of recent developments in nutrition rights, and also develop skill in applying the nutrition rights approach in specific contexts. This is to be an on-line course, available to anyone who has reliable access to the Internet.
Political Science 675c, Nutrition Rights, Fall 2001
In fall 2001, Nutrition Rights will be offered as a graduate course in
political science by Professor George Kent of the University of Hawai'i.
The course examines the meaning and the application of the human right to
adequate food and nutrition. Participants should gain an understanding of
recent developments in nutrition rights, and also develop skill in applying
the nutrition rights approach in specific contexts. This is to be an
on-line course, available to anyone who has reliable access to the Internet.
The core text, Nutrition Rights: The Human Right to Adequate Food and
Nutrition, may be accessed at:
http://www2.hawaii.edu/~kent/tutorial2000/titlepage.htm The syllabus
for the course may be accessed at
Individuals who are not registered as full-time students at the University
of Hawai'i at Mânoa can register for this course through the university's
Outreach College, accessible through its website at at
http://www.aln.hawaii.edu The tuition and registration fee for students
who register through Outreach College add up to $519 for both Hawai'i
residents and non-residents. Additional information about this course may
be obtained from Professor Kent at