IRC activities in Bujumbura Rurale Province cover seven core sites and consist of environmental health (including water and sanitation and hygiene promotion), construction and non-formal education.

West African experts on child rights met government and nongovernmental representatives in Mali on Monday at the start of a three-day technical meeting to review progress in promoting children rights in the Economic Community of West African States.

The Strengthening STD/HIV Control in Kenya Project seeks to reduce the incidence and mitigate the impact of STD/HIV in Kenya. Responsible for the implementation of the capacity building component of the Project.

The Project currently seeks to expand its geographic scope and establish effective HIV programmes through local implementing partners within Kenya. This is a new position. It will be key in ensuring the development, adjustment and implementation of gender-sensitive HIV programmes with local partners.

Responsible for all aspects of donor grants awarded to IRC Ethiopia, which includes initial negotiation and contract compliance. Oversee all human resource, financial and logistical responsibilities. Previous supervisory responsibility of a field office and a staff of over 50 required.

A conference on HIV/AIDS will take place in Gaborone, Botswana, between 12 and 14 November. The conference has been arranged to give you the opportunity to learn from the successes, to engage with the presenters, and to find solutions for your country, in your business and in your organisation. [Source: AF-AIDS ([email protected])]

A national hotline has been established to mobilise the community goodwill that exists towards AIDS orphans, according to the Department of Health. At a press briefing in Pretoria, officials from the department’s new Khomanani communication campaign said that a national survey had shown that over 66 percent of South Africans were prepared to help AIDS orphans, but only seven percent were actually doing as most did not know how they could help.

The Bill Gates of Johannesburg in the gold rush of the 1880’s was reputed to be a Frenchman by the name of Jacques Lebaudy whose level of excess astonished even the stinking rich of the time. Lebaudy was said to have driven a carriage with a harness made out of solid gold, once filled his swimming pool with champagne, entertained his guests with troops of exotic dancers imported from Baghdad and made sure that a new city fountain gushed with wine. English journalist Flora Shaw coined the more

With 5 more days to the deadline for nominations, we are urging eligible organizations to apply/nominate for this year's APC Africa Hafkin Communications Prize for 2002 ' People-Centred Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy in Africa'.

An Orange Farm school has received R1,4-million from Austrian companies attending the World Summit on Sustainable Development, according to Education Africa. The money will be used to build a science, environment and technology centre at the Masibambane College, south of Soweto.
