Namibia: 2000 DHS Preliminary Report online

the Preliminary Report of the 2000 Namibia Demographic and Health Survey has recently been published. The report contains around 40 pages. Chapter 1 provides a brief background, while the methodology is described in Chapter 2. The main findings of the survey are contained in the third chapter, which highlights the most important results at output and outcome level. Chapter 4 provides a summary and concluding remarks. The key results appear condensed in table form in Annex 2. The report may be downloaded from the website of the Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services.

Namibia 2000 DHS Preliminary Report on the World-Wide-Web

Dear Afro-Nets Subscribers,

This is to let you know that the Preliminary Report of the 2000 Na-
mibia Demographic and Health Survey has recently been published.

The report contains around 40 pages. Chapter 1 provides a brief back-
ground, while the methodology is described in Chapter 2. The main
findings of the survey are contained in the third chapter, which
highlights the most important results at output and outcome level.
Chapter 4 provides a summary and concluding remarks. The key results
appear condensed in table form in Annex 2.

For those interested, the report may be downloaded from the website
of the Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services under the fol-
lowing direct link:

Anybody, who may want to use the opportunity to take a closer look at
some of the other items posted on the ministry's web site, please
click on the following URL address:

Your comments are most welcome.

Dr. Norbert Forster
MBChB(Pret), MSc(Econ)(Lond)
Under Secretary
2000 NDHS Survey Director
Department Social Services
Policy Development and Resource Management
Ministry of Health and Social Services
Private Bag 13198
Windhoek, Republic of Namibia
Tel: +264-61-203 2811
Fax: +264-61-227 607
mailto:[email protected]

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