Cape Town: 27-29 November 2001

Southern Hemisphere is currently offering two new exciting courses in Negotiation Skills and Human Rights Indicators. Both courses offer the most up to date material, with facilitation by experts in the fields. Due to popular interest, and demand Southern Hemisphere is also running its Project Monitoring and Evaluation Course for a third time this year. This course is currently on offer as an in-house programme.

Training offered in Negotiation Skills.
Date: 27-29 November 2001
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Cost: R2500
Southern Hemisphere Consultants is currently offering 2 intensive training courses in Negotiation Skills and Human Rights Indicators. These courses are aimed at those working in the development sectors, either based in government, non-governmental organisations, corporate sectors and practitioners.

Southern Hemisphere Consultant offers top quality facilitators for its courses as well as relevant materials.
For the past 15 months, Southern Hemisphere Consultants has been developing a Training Department, which currently offers leading courses in the field of development.

1) Negotiation Skills
Negotiating Skills is a fundamental tool needed by those operating within the development sector. This course will cover the following modules:
· Module 1: Basic Negotiations Techniques
· Module 2: Negotiating with different parties (and their attitudes toward the process)
· Module 3: Interest based negotiations vis a vis position based negotiations.
· Module 4: Planning and strategising for a negotiation process.
· Module 5: Negotiating extensions of project briefs
· Module 6: Negotiating funding arrangements/payment schedules

2) Human Rights Indicators
Date: 12-13 December 2001
Location: Cape Town
Cost: R2800.00
This two-days workshop is aimed at development practioners, state ministries, policy developers and NGO’s working within the field of Human Rights. This course is divided into 2 modules and will cover the following areas
Module 1 – The Interconnectedness between Human Development and Human Rights
Module 2 – The Political and Civil Freedom Measurement Systems

All requests for out-lines and further information may be address to Helga Jansen at Southern Hemisphere at 2721-4210073, or e-mail [email protected].