COSATU to co-host Treatment Congress
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)is co-hosting a National HIV/AIDS Treatment Congress, with the Treatment Action Campaign. It will take place at the Coastlands Conference Centre, Durban on 27-29 June 2002. The AIDS Consortium, Médecins Sans Frontières, the Southern African HIV/AIDS Clinicians Society and the Anglican Church also support the Congress.
Press statement issued by the Congress of South African Trade Unions.
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COSATU to co-host Treatment Congress
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is co-
hosting a National HIV/AIDS Treatment Congress, with the
Treatment Action Campaign. It will take place at the Coastlands
Conference Centre, Durban from on 27-29 June 2002. The AIDS
Consortium, Médecins Sans Frontières, the Southern African
HIV/AIDS Clinicians Society and the Anglican Church also support
the Congress.
AIDS is our biggest threat and greatest challenge. No war has
killed so many millions of people in Africa and the rest of the
developing countries. It is like a foreign army on the rampage.
Unless we create unity around a plan of action, millions more lives
will be lost.
Apart from the human misery this is inflicting on the people living
with HIV/AIDS and their families, it threatens the social and
economic fabric of our society because young productive workers
are being lost to the workforce. It could also undermine the gains of
our democracy, as the poorest and the most vulnerable of our
society are most at risk and
This historic Congress aims to build a common purpose
between civil society and government. It seeks to unify
trade unions, NGOs, AIDS service organisations,
religious groups, health-care workers, scientists,
business and the government behind an emergency
treatment plan to deal with the epidemic. We hope this
will strengthen the government's HIV/AIDS and STD
Strategic Plan for South Africa 2000-2005.
The objectives of the Congress are to develop practical
strategies to support the government in the
implementation of the Cabinet Statement on HIV/AIDS
of 17th April 2002 and to implement resolutions taken on
HIV/AIDS, STIs, TB and antiretroviral therapy by the
National Health Summit in November 2001.
It will also identify the needs of health workers and
develop strategies to meet these needs and a
consensus platform on treating HIV/AIDS, by identifying
roles, responsibilities and campaigns.
COSATU appeals to all its affiliates and all other civil
society organisations to send delegates to the
Congress and play a full part in the fight-back against
this deadly disease.
For more information on the Congress, please contact:
COSATU: Theo Steele on 011 339 4911
TAC: Joyce Mpofu on: 012 460 6451 or 073 173 2715.
Fax: 012 460 9131
E-mail: [email protected]
Patrick Craven and Moloto Mothapo
Acting COSATU Spokespersons
[email protected]
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