Central African Republic

I have the pleasure to send you herewith the terms of reference for a
consultation UNV plans to organise in Central African Republic. The
consultation should take place next month (April) and the UNV consultant
committee would probably meet the coming week (26-30 March) to select a

I have the pleasure to send you herewith the terms of reference for a
consultation UNV plans to organise in Central African Republic. The
consultation should take place next month (April) and the UNV consultant
committee would probably meet the coming week (26-30 March) to select a

Please let me briefly summarise some main points:

Timing: April 2001 (departure as soon as possible, not later than mid-April)
These deadlines are imperative, since we have to present the document in May
latest to the donor.

Consultants profile (main points):
* Specialist in Human Rights, possibly Human Rights Education;
* Experience in project development/formulation
* Fluent in French, confirmed working knowledge in English (able to
draft project document in French, two-pager summary in English)

Please find below TOR and existing draft project document.

Any interested person should as soon as possible send me:

1. detailed CV (with reference persons, possibly copy of project document
2. information on their fees

Many thanks in advance and

best regards,

Lars (Bernd)

Programme Specialist
Africa Section
United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV)
Postfach 260 111 Tel: (+49) 228 / 815-2212
D- 53153 Bonn Fax: (+49) 228 / 815-2001
Germany Email: [email protected]