AMVTN Workshops, November 2001
The African Malaria Vaccine Testing Network is inviting applications from African scientists in the employment of African institutions / Ministries of Health to participate in the above workshops. Applicants must at least be middle to senior level investigators, key members of ethics (or scientific) review committees, study monitors, members of data safety monitoring boards, sponsors of research involving human subjects, members of regulatory bodies or editors of biomedical journals. Details must be submitted by 31 July 2001.
AMVTN Workshops, November 2001
Health Research Ethics in Africa, Banjul
Good Clinical Practice, Ouagadoguo
The African Malaria Vaccine Testing Network is inviting applications
from African scientists in the employment of African institutions /
Ministries of Health to participate in the above workshops. Applicants
must at least be middle to senior level investigators, key members of
ethics (or scientific) review committees, study monitors, members of
data safety monitoring boards, sponsors of research involving human
subjects, members of regulatory bodies or editors of biomedical jour-
Ethics Workshop Contents:
* History of Ethics in Health Research
* Codes and Guidelines and Ethics Review Committees
* Beneficience/Malbeneficience in Research
* Respect of Persons/Autonomy
* Justice in Research
* Issues in Study Design
* Ethical Issues in International Research
GCP Workshop Contents:
* Principles of GCP
* Ethics Committee: responsibilities, composition and functions.
* Qualifications, roles and functions of the sponsor, principal inves-
tigator and study monitor
* Data Safety Monitoring Board
* Teaching Methods
The workshops will mainly utilize participatory approaches including
lectures, case studies, discussion groups, panels, debates and other
interactive teaching/learning methods.
Selected participants will be financed by the African Malaria Vaccine
Testing Network (AMVTN); the awards will cover tuition, travel and full
board accommodation. Participants will meet their visa fees and out of
pocket expenses.
Applicants wishing to participate in these Workshops should forward the
following by e-mail to the address below by 31 July 2001.
1. Full name in capital letters, with family name underlined
2. Date of birth and nationality
3. Name, full address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address
where the applicant is employed
4. Listing of educational qualifications, including date, place and de-
gree(s) obtained
5. Describe in not more than 15 lines the nature of your current post,
and any other posts you may have where you need this workshop
6. Current research interests (not more than 10 lines)
7. A list of your publications, especially those relating to the work-
shop and/or clinical/field trials.
Names and addresses of two referees (including their telephone, fax and
e-mail contacts) who you have requested to provide letters of recommen-
dation to be sent directly to the address below.
All applications must be received by 31 July 2001 by e-mail at the ad-
dress below:
Professor W. L. Kilama
Chairman, AMVTN Coordinating Committee
C26/27 Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology Building
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Kijitonyama
P.O.Box 33207,Dar es Salaam
Tel: +255-22-270-0018
Fax: +255-22-270-0380
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