The Second South-South Biopiracy Summit is to be hosted by Biowatch South Africa on the 22-23 August in Johannesburg, South Africa, just prior to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). The aim is to raise awareness, enable information sharing, and build capacity on issues of access and benefit sharing, as well as to facilitate the development of mutual strategies and statements for the WSSD. The Summit will also provide an important opportunity to review the progress on more
The Second South-South Biopiracy Summit is to be hosted by Biowatch South Africa on the 22-23 August in Johannesburg, South Africa, just prior to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). The aim is to raise awareness, enable information sharing, and build capacity on issues of access and benefit sharing, as well as to facilitate the development of mutual strategies and statements for the WSSD. The Summit will also provide an important opportunity to review the progress on implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), since its adoption in Rio ten years ago.