Africa: 5th International Congress of the African Association of Physiological Sciences (AAPS).
The Kenya Physiological Society (KPS) and the African Association of Physiological Sciences (AAPS) invite all scientists involved in basic, clinical and biomedical research to participate in this historic congress to be held at Chiromo Campus, University of Nairobi in Kenya. The theme of the Congress is "Physiological Sciences and Development in Africa".
5th International Congress of the African Association of Physiological Sciences (AAPS).
Dates: 27th July to 1st August 2008 Theme: Physiological Sciences and Development in Africa.
The Kenya Physiological Society (KPS) and the African Association of Physiological Sciences (AAPS) invite all scientists involved in basic, clinical and biomedical research to participate in this historic congress to be held at Chiromo Campus, University of Nairobi in Kenya. The theme of the Congress is "Physiological Sciences and Development in Africa".
This congress is the 5th coming after a successful one held at Tetouan/Tangier, Morocco in 2004 and will serve to further the course of African Science and draw focus to the epidemiology, pathogeneses, clinical trends and pathophysiology of some leading conditions prevalent in the continent. New research findings in medicine including HIV/AIDS and malnutrition will also be highlighted.
The aim of the Congress is to bring together scientists and clinicians with interests in all aspects of basic and applied physiological sciences, from molecular biology to medical practice.
The objectives of the Congress are to explore the state of the art in the various fields of physiological sciences as pursued by scientists throughout Africa and the World at large. It will also endeavour to encourage the attendance and participation of students and young researchers. The Scientific Program will feature Plenary Lectures, Symposia, workshops, Oral and Poster Presentations.
Congress Objectives:
To provide a global forum for scientists and physiological professionals to share knowledge, experience and ideas. To plan future strategies in physiology research, education, training and development. To stimulate the creation of active regional networks in physiology.
Expected outputs:
Planned publications include a state of art compendium, a book of abstracts of all presentations and congress conclusions. Some presentations will be published as peer-reviewed journal articles after the congress recommendations. Other discussions and deliberations during the congress will contribute towards formulation of policy documents for further promotion of physiological sciences and technology.
Who Should Attend:
- Academics
- Scientists
- Private sector representatives
- Non-Governmental and other Voluntary Organizations.
- Policy Makers
- Development Professionals General Information:
The official language of the Congress shall be English. Congress deliberations and communications will be handled in English only.
The overall congress theme is Physiological Sciences and Development in Africa.
Renowned leaders in research and development of Physiological Sciences will give keynote presentations. The Congress will cover the following five broad thematic areas:
1. Physiology Education and Training/Related Themes:
• Training and Education in Physiology
• Drug Use and Abuse
• Nutrition and Food Security
2. HIV/AIDS and Tropical Diseases:
• Tropical Diseases (Emerging and Re-emerging)
3. Molecular and Laboratory Physiology:
• Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Application
• Natural Products in Physiology and Medicine
• Genetics, Reproductive and Developmental Physiology
4. Environmental Physiology and Biochemistry:
• Ecohealth Approach to Medicine
• Environmental Pollutants, Biochemistry and Physiology
5. Clinical and Applied Physiology:
• Systematic and Organizational Physiology
• Pain Physiology and Management
• Sports and Exercise Physiology
• Epilepsy and Neurodegenerative Diseases For further information send an e-mail to: [email][email protected] > or the Secretary Kenya Physiological Society [email][email protected] >