12th International Summer School on Human Rights
We are pleased to inform you that the Helsinki Committee in Poland and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights are organizing the 12th International Summer School on Human Rights.
The School is intended for human rights activists, teachers and young lawyers from Central, Eastern European and CIS countries.
Our program combines lectures and discussions on the historical and philosophical background of human rights, domestic systems of protection of human rights, international systems of protection of human rights, and aspects of some selected rights: rights of minorities, rights of refugees etc.
English, Russian and Polish are the languages of our Summer School. Ability to communicate well in one of the above languages is required.
The organizers will cover round-trip travel expenses (train or air - economy rates), accommodation and meals.
The School will be held in Warsaw-Miedzeszyn, Poland, on 8-15 September 2001.
Please find below an application form which you should send back to our Foundation by 30 June 2001 (deadline) by fax, e-mail or post (please
attach 1 page curriculum vitae and letter of recommendation from your organization). Please note that the organizers will select participants
from amongst applicants: not all applicants will be accepted. Those accepted will receive an invitation by 30 July 2001.
Our address: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
ul. Bracka 18 m. 62
tel./fax: (#048 22) 828 1008, 828 6996, 826 9875,
PL 00028 Warsaw, POLAND
E-mail: [email protected]
Application forms are available from the web site:http://www.hfhrpol.waw.pl/En/summer.html