Kenya: STORYMOJA Inspirational Writing Workshop is organizing a workshop for writers of inspirational material, however broadly this can be defined. We know there are many of you with powerful, life-changing experiences to share, but may need the structure and know-how we can provide to get the story down. These stories must be presented in an attractive, informative, clear and well-edited manner so that even those with a bias against books, but are hungry for the content, can read them.

Storymoja is organizing a workshop for writers of inspirational material, however broadly this can be defined. We know there are many of you with powerful, life-changing experiences to share, but may need the structure and know-how we can provide to get the story down. These stories must be presented in an attractive, informative, clear and well-edited manner so that even those with a bias against books, but are hungry for the content, can read them.

Storymoja is inviting you to participate in a writing workshop led by Betty Wamalwa, a development consultant and poet (among many other things), and I, Doreen Baingana, author and managing editor of Storymoja. We have tentative dates and a structure, and would like to know if you can attend. The goal is to have a completed, ready-to-publish manuscript of 20,000 – 30,000 words that Storymoja will publish if it meets our standards.
PROPOSED DATES: Mondays and Thursdays, 6pm to 9pm
22/09/08, 25/09/08, 29/09/08, 2/10/08

A weekend retreat on the 17th, 18th and 19th October (or one weekend earlier) for the final editing of the manuscript.

The cost is only Kshs 300 for photocopied materials.

If interested, please send a sample of your writing and/or your book idea to me AND Betty at [email][email protected] Also, please forward this to any writer you know who is interest in this subject matter.
More details will be sent to those who interested. Please do not hesitate to ask questions and give suggestions.