Colonialism might have come to an end but the neurosis of the colonised continues in [former colonies of] the third world. We are shamefully racist in the colour gradation we employ in our day-to-day lives.
- Tagged under Global South Colonialism
The dominant media almost exclusively covers stories that portray this country positively while ignoring or downplaying information that contradicts this narrative. The result? Canadians are ignorant and confused about their country’s role in the world.
LAND! LAND! LAND! There is a lot of talk about land in South Africa today. It looks like some people have been asleep about this important national asset. Others who talk about land today in this country did their part in betraying the land question.
On June 12-13, Berlin hosted the latest initiative of the G20 Compact with Africa, an international conference that brought political leaders together under the promising title “Investing in a Common Future”.
Institute of African Studies
University of Ghana
Accra, Ghana
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Bolivia #Rhodesmustfall campaign, #FeesMustFall, Horace Campbell, Institute of African Studies University of Ghana, 2nd Kwame Nkrumah Pan-African Intellectual and Cultural Festival, Colonialism, Imperialism, Pan-Africanism, Kwame Nkrumah, Agenda 2063, Kwame Nkrumah Chair in African StudiesCanada’s 150th anniversary offers a unique opportunity to shed light on some darker corners of the country’s history. One of the dustier chapters is our contribution to one of the most barbarous regimes of the last century and half.
May 25 marks the 54th anniversary of the formation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor to the African Union formed in 2002.
[Author’s Note: This address was delivered at the Detroit branch of Workers World Party public forum held on Saturday, 22 April 2017. The event examined various anti-imperialist struggles taking place around the world from the Middle East and Africa to the Democratic Pe
One of the many charges that were leveled against US President-elect Donald Trump was his penchant for lies. Fact-checkers during the 2016 US election concluded that he lied 85 percent of times.
Tagged under Global South Donald Trump, ColonialismWritten and researched by Mark Curtis, the report reveals the degree to which British companies now control Africa’s key mineral resources, notably gold, platinum, diamonds, copper, oil, gas and coal.
Tagged under Resources Europe Britain, Colonialism
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