The on-going attempt by the National Assembly to pass a law to control and undermine the operations of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) should be condemned by every Nigerian.
- Tagged under Governance
On 26 June, the first day of Eid celebrations, a popular march that was organised in the town of Hoceima, northern Morocco, was brutally repressed.
Tagged under Governance Mohsin Fikri, Protests in Morocco, North African uprisings, HoceimaThe festival which brought together over 400 participants including cultural artists, academics, community members, international and local Pan-Africanists, students and institutions from over 20 countries across the world, provided an ideal platform to review and critically re-assess urgent task
The network has adopted the following Charter:
Food sovereignty is the human right of peoples as individuals and communities to define their own food systems. It means, working with nature and protecting resources to produce sufficient, healthy and culturally appropriate food by:
Institute of African Studies
University of Ghana
Accra, Ghana
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Bolivia #Rhodesmustfall campaign, #FeesMustFall, Horace Campbell, Institute of African Studies University of Ghana, 2nd Kwame Nkrumah Pan-African Intellectual and Cultural Festival, Colonialism, Imperialism, Pan-Africanism, Kwame Nkrumah, Agenda 2063, Kwame Nkrumah Chair in African StudiesRecent drums of division, violence and intolerance beating across the federation underscore the growing frustrations of Nigerians everywhere.
A position paper by the African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (Harare), European Network on Debt and Development (Brussels) and Jubilee Germany (Düsseldorf)
Unprecedented and rising levels of industrial animal farming are undermining the highest attainable standard of health that is WHO’s mandate.
Dear people of Hamburg, you might wonder who is writing to you.
We are women and men from all over Europe and the world, citizens or activists in many different networks, and from all walks of life. We have very different ages and political persuasions.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance G20! summit Hamburg, Germany, Islamophobia, Neoliberalism, Protests, Democracy, CapitalismThe report, Unjust Enrichment: How the IFC Profits from Land Grabbing in Africa, was released today by Inclusive Development International, Bank Information Center, Accountability Counsel, Urgewald and the Oakland Institute.
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