Celebrating the life of dennis brutus
ILLUMINATIONS, an international magazine of contemporary writing, is seeking contributions for next July's special issue celebrating the life and work of South African poet and activist Dennis Brutus.
Celebrating the Life and Work of Dennis Brutus
ILLUMINATIONS, an international magazine of contemporary writing, is seeking contributions for next July's special issue celebrating the life and work of South African poet and activist Dennis Brutus, who turned 80 November 28, 2004.
As Illuminations is essentially a poetry magazine rather than a literary-critical journal, they're looking for contributions of poems and/or short prose-pieces. The poems might be specifically about or in honour of Brutus, or dedicated to him, or they may simply be a tribute in kind - poems whose spirit and voice resonate with Brutus's. The prose-pieces should be brief tributes and/or illustrative anecdotes (no
more than 300 words). They're also looking for appropriate visual material - photographs, sketches, paintings, facsimiles of mss., etc.
a.. Deadline : Monday, January 12th, 2004
For further information about Illuminations wee the website http://www.cofc.edu/Illuminations or email the editor, Simon Lewis, [email protected].