I have a problem with politics of disappearance and brutality. And I have a problem with dictatorship and Robert Mugabe's leadership style.
- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Zimbabwe
10 March 2015
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security ZimbabweAfrican leaders have elected Robert Mugabe as chairman of the African Union (AU). His election was received with mixed reactions; some hailed it as the right decision, while others called it a step backward for Africa.
Tagged under Governance ZimbabweAge has not slowed Robert Mugabe down. If anything, the opposite is true: the Zimbabwean president is at the peak of his powers, and revelling in his new role as African Union chairperson. If only he would use his political prowess for the good rather than evil. By SIMON ALLISON.
Tagged under Governance ZimbabweWhether or not the Southern African state of Zimbabwe can be said to be in a process of ‘transition’ is debatable.
Tagged under Governance ZimbabweMEDIA RELEASE
10 October 2014
Tagged under Food & Health ZimbabweI. INTRODUCTION
Tagged under Food & Health ZimbabweFew people in Zimbabwe know or care to acknowledge that the country has lost one of its most outstanding persons of global stature. There are not many in Zimbabwe who qualify for this level of exaltation.
Tagged under Global South ZimbabweZimbabwe’s latest economic blueprint, known shorthand as Zim Asset, identifies BRICS as being central to the country's economic revival.
Tagged under Governance ZimbabweThe persecution and discrimination of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) persons has become a common feature in Zimbabwe and Africa in general. Zimbabwe is one of the 38 countries in the Africa that prohibit same-sex marriage.
Tagged under Governance Zimbabwe
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