This December marks the 60th anniversary of the All African People’s Conference (AAPC) in Accra, Ghana. The nearly weeklong event in 1958 convened some 200 people representing 60 organisations from 27 countries, including prominent pan-African personalities like Patrice Lumumba and Tom Mboya.
- Tagged under Pan-Africanism Southern Africa AAPC
Interview excerpts
Russia and Africa mark nearly 30 years of bilateral relations after the Soviet collapse. What does this mean from African perspectives?
Tagged under Economics Southern AfricaOf concern is the marked shift towards authoritarianism in some of the Southern African Development Community countries.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Southern AfricaTawanda Mulonga [1] and five of his fellow congregants from Northern Zimbabwe are wary of the journey ahead. They are busy preparing for their next visit to Germany.
Tagged under Human Security Southern Africa Germany's Africa air bordersAnn Garrison: In your Medium essay “Kagame’s Nuclear Power Plant Is a Joke,” you say that the cost of a nuclear power plant would be equivalent to Rwanda’s national budget fo
Tagged under Global South Southern Africa Nuclear energy in AfricaFirst, the appalling numbers: South Africa’s ‘current account deficit’ fell to a dangerous -5% of GDP because the ‘balance of payments’ (mainly profit outflows) suffered rapid decay; the other component of the current account, the trade deficit – i.e., imports minus exports – is trivial in compar
Tagged under Economics Southern AfricaWhat do you call people who try to make other people believe what they say but ignore the results of what they do? How about spin-sploiters?
Tagged under Resources Southern Africa Benoit La Salle, Thomas Sankara, Canada, Minerals and Africa