On 25 June 2015 Mozambique celebrated 40 years of independence. The south-east African country gained its independence in 1975 following 10 years of armed struggle (1964 – 1974) against its old colonial master, Portugal.
- Tagged under Governance Mozambique
In Africa, women’s rights have been underrated, ignored and trampled upon. The place of the African woman is often regarded as that of being seen but not heard. Too often, culture is used as a justification for the denial of women’s rights.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities MozambiqueThe victory of Filipe Nyusi and the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) in the October 15 presidential and parliamentary elections poured cold water on the hopes of many who were convinced that 2014 would bring political change to Mozambique.
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security MozambiqueHaving just experienced its fifth general election since the establishment of a multiparty democratic system in 1992, Mozambique voted for a president and elected members to the national and provincial parliaments on 15 October 2014.
Tagged under Governance MozambiqueEleven years ago, African states made formidable progress by jointly adopting the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa, also known as the Maputo Protocol - regarded as one of the most progressive women’s and human rights instruments in the world.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities MozambiqueThe Maputo Office of the Attorney General sent shockwaves through independent media networks last year when it opened a criminal case against Mozambican economist Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco in response to a Facebook post strongly criticizing President Armando Guebuza.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns MozambiqueIn Mozambique’s latest municipal elections the governing party FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique) appears to have obliterated any opposition when it managed to win 49 out of 53 contested municipalities.
Tagged under Governance Mozambique“The speed with which the Protocol came into force on 25 November 2005 sets a new record for the ratification of pan African rights standards for the continent.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities MozambiqueJust across the border in Mozambique there is neo-colonial exploitation underway. It is not Europe or the United States that are dominating, but rather countries which are often looked up to as challengers, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
Tagged under Governance MozambiqueThe political situation in Mozambique is agitated. At sunrise on April 4, a group of about 200 members of Renamo (National Resistance of Moçambique, the main opposition party) organized a meeting in Muxunguè (Chibabava, Province of Sofala).
Tagged under Human Security Mozambique
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