We are in that season again when many public universities in Kenya are being closed due to student and staff unrest. The causes of the strikes are many and looking at some of them, strikes would have been avoided if there was a grievance-articulation platform for students and lecturers.
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From 2018, the Commission for University Education (CUE) in Kenya has made it clear that only PhD holders will be employed as lecturers at universities. It has been stated that all those without PhDs will enter as tutorial fellows, and not assistant lecturers.
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It is quite sad that a writer as talented as Dr. James Ocita should be so impotent in his analysis. This guy has been peddling accusations against Prof. Mahmood Mamdani for some time.
Tagged under EducationI recently read and was intrigued by a Facebook post of a colleague who had just graduated from a one of the prestigious universities in the UK. Even after successfully completing what anyone would consider a no mean feat at such an institution, her feelings struck me as odd.
Tagged under EducationDear Prof Mamdani,
Tagged under EducationThe end of last November found us huddled around warm talk in a backroom somewhere on the toes of the Ngong Hills. Thoughts on pan-Africanism, our various political struggles, disenchantment with the university, and redemption songs defined the conversation amidst food and big laughter.
The concept of education
Tagged under EducationOn 5 June 2017, Pambazuka News posted an article by Dr.
For many observers outside Makerere University, the protracted crises at the Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) started in 2016 when a group of MISR doctoral students rose up against what they viewed as the excesses of the administration of MISR under the director, Prof.
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