Khanya College Journal

provides space for activists in the emerging mass social movements to debate key issues facing these movements. The journal is now in its third issue, which focused on the debates and campaigns on the war in Iraq. We are building a subscriptions base in order to ensure that the journal is financially stable and is able to come out regularly.

Khanya College Journal Subscription Application

Dear Comrade, Brother, Sister

I would like to subscribe to the Khanya College Journal.

My contact details are as follows:

Name: _______________________________________

Postal Address: _______________________________________


________________ Postal Code ____________

Telephone (daytime) ________________________________________

Cellular phone ________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________

I would the following type of subscription (postage included):

i. Activist (South Africa) 4 issues @ R80

ii. Activist (International) 4 issues @ US$ 40

iii. Institutional (South Africa) 4 issues @ R200

iv. Institutional (International) 4 issues @ US$ 120

My choice of payment method is:

i. Cash

ii. Cheque

iii. Postal Order

iv. Direct Deposit/Electronic Funds Transfer

Attached please find proof of my deposit into the following account:

Account holder: Khanya College Journal Project Account No: 1357 068840

Bank and Branch: Nedbank, Business Central Branch Number: 135705

Acc Type: Current Account Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ [for international

I look forward to receiving the journal

Yours in Solidarity

_________________ ________________

Signature Date

Special Subscribers to the Khanya Journal

Dear Comrade,

As you are by now aware, last year Khanya College launched a journal for
activists. The aim of the Journal, spelt out in the first issue, is to
provide space for debate on the variety of issue facing the mass social
movements in South Africa and Southern Africa today. We also hope the
journal will revitalise theoretical discussions on the strategies and
tactics of the new movements. The journal's role as a platform for debate
and theoretical discussion will be supplemented by the publication of
Occasional Papers, Study Notes for activists, the hosting of Seminars on
topical issues, and facilitation of Study Circles for activists.

Given its political importance, however, it is desirable that the long-term
financial independence of the journal be established as soon as possible.
Khanya College wishes to encourage those sympathetic to the aims of the
Khanya Journal to become Special Subscribers. Special subscribers will make
a minimum donation of R50 per month as a supporter's subscription. In
addition to the journal the Special Subscribers will get all publications of

the Journal project, and invitations to events hosted by the Journal
Project. Periodic reports on the progress of the project and financial
accounts will also be made available to the Special Subscribers.

A minimum monthly contribution of R50 by 150 special subscribers will ensure
the production of 4 editions per year. This will cover the external costs of
production, such as layout and printing. At the moment the editing of the
journal is done on a voluntary basis, and the administration is carried by
Khanya College as a contribution to the Journal. In addition to this
fundraising strategy, Khanya will continue to raise funds and expand the
subscription base of the journal. Your contribution to the Journal as a
Special Subscriber will, however, ensure that the Journal has a anchor funds
while it consolidates its future funding.

You can make your contributions with a once-off payment of R600 for next
four editions, or through a stop-order payment of R50 per month. If you are
interested, please complete the section below and fax/email to Khanya


Organisation and Occupation :......................

Postal Address: ............................


My Choice of Payment Method is:

Monthly Contribution

Once off Payment

Attached please find proof of my deposit or Stop order into the following

Account Holder: Khanya College Journal Project

Account Number: 1357 068840

Bank and Branch: Nedbank, Business Central

Branch Number: 135705

Swift Coder NEDSZAJJ

We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship between you and Khanya

Yours in Solidarity

Oupa Lehulere

College Coordinator.

PS: If you would Khanya College to organise a debit order from your account,
please send us a letter, together with this form, to this effect. Please
ensure that the letter is singed.