African Journal on Youth Studies

The African Journal on Youth Studies is a biennial journal established to provide researchers, agencies and others related to youth development in Africa and elsewhere the opportunity to report their findings, and exchange ideas among themselves.

Central Educational Service


. Guidelines for Authors:
The African Journal on Youth Studies is a biennial journal
established to:
- provide researchers, agencies and others related to youth
development in Africa and elsewhere the opportunity to report
their findings, and exchange ideas among themselves.
- To showcase youth contributions to development.
- To provide an avenue for youths to express their view on
issues affecting them and development
- To empower youths in Africa for greater national
Submission of Manuscripts. Please make sure your contact
address information is clearly visible on the outside of all
packages you are sending to Editors.
Papers accepted become the copyright of the Journal, unless
otherwise specifically agreed. Contributors should bear in
mind that they are addressing an international audience.
Manuscripts that do not conform to the requirements listed
below will not be considered for publication or returned to
their authors.
Manuscripts of not less than 15 pages [tables, figures,
references etc. included] in Times New Roman letter size and
printed on A4 size white paper in laser quality should be
sent to Tola Olujuwon,African Journal on Youth Studies,
Central Educational Service, 374,Bornu Way, Alagomeji,
Sabo,Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. Email [email protected]
Manuscripts can also be submitted electronically. Articles
can only be considered if three complete copies of each
manuscript are submitted on or before October 31st, 2004.
They should be typed on one side of the paper, double spaced,
with ample margins, and bear the title of the contribution,
name(s) of the author(s) and the address where the work was
carried out. Each article should be accompanied by an
abstract of 100-150 words on a separate sheet, and a short
note of biographical details including institutional
affiliations [if any] The full postal address, telephone, fax
and email address. Authors will be required to pay a
publication charge of US$50.00 to defray the high cost of

Footnotes to the text should be avoided
All tables and figures should be properly captioned and well
displayed. Preference should be given to figures in
illustrating results involving a large set of data. The
approximate position of tables and figures should be
indicated in the manuscript. Captions should include keys to
symbols. Titles of Journal and names of publishers should not
be abbreviated. Acronyms for the names of organisations,
Institutions, etc. should be preceded by the title in full.
All pages should be numbered.

References should be indicated in the typescript by giving
the author's name, with the year of publication in
parentheses. If several papers by the same author and from
the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after
the year of publication. The references should be listed in
full at the end of the paper in the following standard form:
For books: SHANTZ,C.U & HARTUP,W.W (1995) Conflict in Child
and Adolescent Development, [Cambridge, Cambridge University
For articles: Khan,Imran. (2003) Making an Impact, Index on
Censorship, 4, pp. 62-66.
For chapters within books: BABAWALE, T (2003) The Youth,
Democracy and National Development in Nigeria: Limitations
and Possibilities, in: AOK. Noah & A. Ayodele (Eds.) Youth
Management in Nigeria [pp.1-10] Lagos, Central Educational

Proofs will be sent to authors if there is sufficient time to
do so. They should be corrected and returned to the Editor
within five days. Major alterations to the text cannot be
accepted. A copy of the journal will be sent by post to all
corresponding authors after publication.

Copyright: It is a condition of publication that authors vest
copyright in their articles, including abstracts, in Central
Educational Service. This ensures that both the publishers
and the authors are protected from misuse of copyright
materials. Authors may, of course, use the article elsewhere
after publication without prior permission from Central
Educational Service, provided that acknowledgement is given
to the Journal as the original source of publication. Authors
are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to
reproduce copyright material from other sources.

Complimentary Copy of AJOYS.
All contributors will receive a complimentary copy of AJOYS
in which their articles has been published. In case of joint
or multiple authors copies will be sent to the principal

Tola Olujuwon
[email protected]