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COSATU welcomes the comprehensive report tabled to the people of South Africa today and welcomes the exoneration of government from any wrongdoing or corruption.

Press statement issued by the Congress of South African Trade Unions.

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When the arms deal controversy erupted, the
Congress of South African Trade Unions called for a
thorough investigation into every detail and all aspects
of the allegations made. We further stated
unambiguously that we had faith and trust in the three
institutions appointed to conduct the investigation and
that the exclusion of Judge Heath did not mean the
investigation would lack integrity.

COSATU welcomes the comprehensive report tabled
to the people of South Africa today and welcomes the
exoneration of government from any wrongdoing or
corruption. COSATU did not believe in the first place
that government or the cabinet as whole would have
decided to embark on any corruption or law breaking.

COSATU further welcomes the recommendations of
the investigating institutions, in particular their call for
the enactment of legislation to stop political leaders
and/or senior government officials from joining
companies that benefited from government contracts
after resigning from government. We also welcome
the fact that the cases of a few individuals, against
whom there is evidence that they involved themselves
in illegal operations or corruption, are going to be
pursued. We call on the government to ensure that
where is evidence of corruption, the perpetrators are
charged and dealt with mercilessly.

The issue COSATU wishes to raise at this stage, with
the escalating costs of the arms deal package to R60
billion, is whether this is the right priority for our
country. In response to the budget speech of
2001/2002, COSATU rejected the decision that in this
financial year, we are going to spend R5 billion on
arms against R1, 5 billion on poverty alleviation. The
escalation of the package to R60 billion means that
we shall spend twice as much money on arms as on
education, which has been our biggest expenditure
item for years.

The only real threat to our stability is not going to be an
army invading our country from outside our borders,
but the deepening crisis of unemployment, poverty,
inequality and hopelessness. Our country is sitting on
top of a ticking time bomb. To COSATU our biggest
priority ought to be tackling job losses and creating
quality jobs that would defeat the scourge of poverty,
disease (including HIV/AIDS) and hopelessness. So
far we have seen no evidence of the promises of jobs
that have been made.

The debate should be refocused away from
sensationalised and unfounded allegations of
widespread corruption into whether the arms package
is really desirable in the face of the social deficit we

Patrick Craven and Moloto Mothapo
Acting COSATU Spokespersons

[email protected]


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Contact 082-821-7456 Patrick Craven or Moloto Mothapo for further comment.

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