Nigeria: Sexuality Leadership Development Fellowship

Call for applications

The Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC) calls for applications to its annual Sexuality Leadership Development Fellowship (SLDF) Programme. The Fellowship is scheduled to take place in Lagos, Nigeria from July 10– 28, 2006. The fellowship is designed to catalyse development in the field of sexuality.


The Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC) calls for
applications to its annual Sexuality Leadership Development Fellowship
(SLDF) Programme. The Fellowship is scheduled to take place in Lagos,
Nigeria from July 10– 28, 2006.

Objectives: The fellowship is designed to catalyse development in the
field of sexuality by:

(1) Providing exposure to cutting-edge conceptual, theoretical and
programmatic issues in sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights;

(2) Providing opportunities to conduct research or action projects
on sexuality issues;

(3) Promoting mentoring of young African professionals by experts
in the field;

(4) Facilitating the emergence of a new generation of leaders.

Training Methodology: Incorporating rigorous intellectual work and
strategic field trips that bring participants in close engagement with
sexuality leaders and leadership organizations, the fellowship is
structured to promote sharing of ideas, team building and
collaborative work amongst participants in order to nurture
relationships that last beyond the fellowship period. The course also
provides an academically stimulating environment that promotes
cross-cultural sharing of experiences as well as individual study.

The venue of the training houses a library and resource centre with a
rich Africa-centred collection of sexuality, sexual health and rights

Audience: This course is designed for young researchers, academicians,
civil servants, programme officers, programme managers, media
practitioners and others resident on the continent of Africa, aged 35
years and below with a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent and with
demonstrable experience and (or) interest in the area of sexuality,
sexual health and rights.

Training Programme: During the three-week intensive course,
participants are introduced to the emerging field of sexuality and
explore both theoretical, as well as, practical dimensions of this
complex field.

In addition to skills development, the SLDF curriculum covers
contemporary debates in sexuality studies including: Sexuality and
human rights; Gender, sexuality and religion; Sexuality, health and
the public policy; Cultural practice and sexual violence; Sexual
rights; Sexual orientation; Narrowing the gap: sexuality, knowledge,
policy and programme; Sexuality and the State; and Sexuality and the

Scholarships: The ARSRC offers a few highly competitive, fully-funded
scholarships that are open to qualified citizens of Egypt, Kenya,
Nigeria or South Africa, who are resident in the continent. ARSRC
scholarships cover tuition fees, post-fellowship grant, roundtrip
travel expenses as well as accommodation, meals and incidental

Interested citizens of other African countries are encouraged to
apply, but will need to seek funding from other donors to cover their
travel, accommodation and living expenses: as well as post-fellowship

Deadline for the Receipt of Applications: Duly completed application
and sponsorship forms and other documentary requirements should be
sent to the address below. To be considered, the application should
be received by ARSRC before or on March 31, 2006.

The 2006 Sexuality Leadership Development Fellowship

Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre

17 Lawal St., off Oweh St., Jibowu

PO Box 803, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria.

Fax: 234-1-3425470

Email: [email protected]

Application forms and information are available on our website: