A Cry for Kenya

Cees van der Put

I am writing this message in a desperate cry... a cry for the people who I love, who are me. Many of yours might live a comfortable life in peace in which you don't have to worry about your future, let alone the future of your family. You have a safe roof above your head and you like all your neighbors. Or maybe not all, but no one ever told you and you never felt the need to kill your neighbor.

Unfortunately this is not the case for many people living in Kenya... all longing for a good future, a future in which their children could grow up, a future in which the world is one... a future in which all could sleep at night, without having to worry about their children...

This is the moment I would like to ask you to act… to leave alone your daily problems, to start thinking... this is the moment we can tell our children, that we have said, enough is enough...we love the world, we live here, and we love the people of Kenya... please act!!!! Please help us... please don't let another Rwanda happen!