Tanzania: National Training on Gender and Organization Development

Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) is a non Governmental Advocacy Organization which promotes gender equality and equity principles, women’s empowerment and social transformation within Tanzania and beyond. Begun in 1993, TGNP has adopted the following strategies: participatory methodology and animation; networking coalition building and outreach, policy analysis and advocacy; action-oriented participatory research and collective action; scholarly analysis, media engagement and popular literature; and capacity building and training.



Who are we?
Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) is a non Governmental Advocacy Organization which promotes gender equality and equity principles, women’s empowerment and social transformation within Tanzania and beyond. Begun in 1993, TGNP has adopted the following strategies: participatory methodology and animation; networking coalition building and outreach, policy analysis and advocacy; action-oriented participatory research and collective action; scholarly analysis, media engagement and popular literature; and capacity building and training.

As part of its on-going training programmes, the organization, invites applicants for the National Training on Gender and Organisational Development.

The training will be conducted by expert trainers in the areas of Gender and Organisation development.

The training will be held in Tanzania at TGNP- Gender Resource Centre from 20th to November 7th December 2007.

The training Course is the result of the recognition of Organisations as the mirrors of the society in which they emerge and the way power and resources are shared between men and women in a specific social context. These changes are often reflected in organisational structures, vision and management styles. They determine and influence power and resource allocation within themselves and the community in it, depending on their mandates and resources they decide on who gets what resources, who benefits from their services and who participate in decision making.

Despite this social role and the power they wield, most organisations pay little or no attention to existing structural inequalities between women and men. As a consequence their programmes tend to perpetuate and entrench gender inequalities and further marginalisation of women and other less powerful groups. The course will cover gender and organisational development/ and programming; Analysis of gender issues, debates and women movements in the context within which institutions/ organisations work; Key elements of gender and organisational development institutionalisation of gender and Key issues and steps for mainstreaming gender in programming as well as monitoring and evaluation.

Key Objectives
This course is particularly designed to enhance participants’ skills and knowledge on issues of gender and organisational development (and change management) including external and internal forces affecting the culture and identity of an organisation. The course will specifically aim at:
enabling participants to understand and appreciate the rationale for gender and organizational development /and change management.
developing and strengthening participants’ capacities for gender auditing and/or assessment of organisations; including external and internal influencing factors.
enabling participants to acquire necessary skills for developing gender responsive organisational vision /mission /systems and structures enabling participants articulate the operational steps in programming with a gender focus; including the art of mainstreaming gender in the organisation’s planning cycle management and tracking the gender impact of its products and services.

Course Requirements and eligibility
The course is open to:
Senior level policy makers and programme managers from public institutions, NGOs, MEDIA and other institutions that are actively involved in development/ implementing and monitoring policies
Members of Parliament, local government officials, councilors, technocrats including Planners, Human Resources Personnels; Managers from public institutions, NGOs, and other institutions actively involved policy, programming and organisational/institutional development/building issues;
Key officials responsible with mainstreaming of gender equality and economic justice as well as academics and researchers on economics and social issues;
Gender trainers who have a strong commitment to training on gender and organizational development;
Human Rights, Advocacy officers and feminist activists working in environment, sustainable development, food security, health, education, pastoralist, disability, child rights and other areas.

To ensure maximum benefit from the course, participants are required to possess the following basic qualifications:
Basic education of not less than a degree or an advanced diploma in the relevant field and working experience in policy and/or management levels
Present engagement in programming and/or institutional building/development with an implementation or facilitation function

Good command of both written and spoken English and Kiswahili.
Administrative information
The course fee for national Participants is Tsh. 642,785/= covering facilitation fees, training materials, field visit during training and meals between training
The fee excludes DSA, return ticket and local transport in and out from the Training Centre for both Dar es salaam and Up- country participants
Other facilities such as internet and library services will also be provided.

Expectations of participants
All participants will be required to:
Participate actively for the full ten (10) days of the course
Bring for sharing samples of their organizations/ institution’s Policy, implementation and coordination processes of gender and Organizational Development issues for discussion at the workshop
Prepare brief presentation of own organizational/ Project/ Institutional strategies/ activities on organizational Development (bring publication(s), Posters etc)
Become part of the TGNP electronic network so as to receive on-going support and backup to continue sharing case studies and materials on gender policy and Organizational Development.

How to apply
Fill on-line the application form from www.tgnp.org or down-load and fax the application form to +255-22 244 3244
Send a CV, letter of motivation and a letter of support from your supervisor/ Manager.

TGNP; To the attention of: Gender Training Institute
P.O Box 8921 Dar es Salaam.
Tel: +255-22-2443205 or 255-22-2443450.
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; or [email protected]
Website: www.tgnp.org