Annual Conference of the New York African Studies Association
The New York State African Studies Association (NYASA) will hold its 2010 annual conference on March 26-27 at Binghamton University under the auspices of the Institute of Global Cultural Studies. In view of the impending change in the global order and power relations, and in light of the accelerating interactions between Africa and Asia, the annual conference invites abstracts and proposals for presentations, panels and roundtables on the above general theme and its variations.
Annual Conference of the New York African Studies Association (NYASA), State University of New York at Binghamton, March 26-27, 2010
Call for Proposals/Abstracts
Deadline: December 20, 2009
Global-Africa, Global-Asia: Africa and Asia in the Age of Globalization
The New York State African Studies Association (NYASA) will hold its 2010 annual conference on March 26-27 at Binghamton University under the auspices of the Institute of Global Cultural Studies. In view of the impending change in the global order and power relations, and in light of the accelerating interactions between Africa and Asia, the annual conference invites abstracts and proposals for presentations, panels and roundtables on the above general theme and its variations such as the following:
* Asia’s major Powers and Africa
* Strategies for Afro-Asian Solidarity
* Civil Societies in Asia and Africa
* African and Asian Diasporas in Comparative Perspective
* Education Systems in Africa and Asia
* Comparative Regionalism in Africa and Asia
* Black Pacific and Black Indian Ocean
* Science and Technology in Asia and Africa
* Religion and Politics in Africa and Asia
* African Union and Association of South East Asian Nations: Comparative Regionalism
* Knowledge Production and Knowledge Distribution
* Music in Africa and Asia
* Africa, Asia and International Relations Theory
* Race Relations from Gandhi to Obama
* Africa and Asia in the World Capitalist System
* Culture and Development: What can Africa and Asia Learn from One Another?
* Democracy and Development: Lessons from the Afro-Asian Experience
* Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Africa and Asia
* African and Asian Studies: State of Research
* Afrabia and the Black Crescent
* Diaspora and Development
* Between Bollywood and Nollywood: Comparative Cinema in Africa and Asia
* Language and Politics
* African and Asian Art: Influences and Interactions
* Africa in the International System
* African and Asian Diaspora, Foreign Policy and Economic Development
* Ecological Catastrophe, Environmental Justice and Social Movements
Other topics for papers will also be considered as are proposals to organize complete panels and promote student participation. Please send abstracts of papers and panels of not more than 150 words by December 5, 2009 to the Local Organizing Committee at [email][email protected] and [email][email protected] Please also indicate, if you could, which category of the sub-themes suits your topic, and specify if you would need for your presentation media resources (such as PowerPoint).
The local organizing committee will notify those who have submitted successful proposals on January 7, 2010. For general updates please visit the website of the conference at or
We expect that Africanists and Asianists as well as comparativists who are also based outside North America would attend the annual conference and share their perspectives.
In the context of the 2009 launching of proposed Ali Mazrui Chair and Ali Mazrui Center for Global Studies in Makerere University, Uganda, there will also be high-powered plenary panel about public intellectuals and intellectuals in politics. (For more details about Mazrui Chair & Center please visit
Contact Address:
NYASA 10 Organizing Committee
Attention: Dr. Seifudein Adem
Institute of Global Cultural Studies
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000 LNG-100
Binghamton, NY 13902 USA
E-mail: [email][email protected]
Telephone: (607)777-4494
Fax: (607)777-2642
Conference Fees
$100.00 includes all events and membership
$ 50.00 students and senior citizens, includes all events and membership
$ 50.00 one day events without membership
$ 25.00 one day events for students and senior citizens without membership
All Binghamton University faculty, staff, students with a valid ID card can attend the conference without paying conference fees.
Conference Venue
The conference venue is
Binghamton University
Downtown Campus (UDC)
67 Washington Street,
NY 13901
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn Arena
2-8 Hawley St.
Binghamton, NY 13901
P: 607-722-1212
F: 607-722-6063
[For the special conference rate, please make your reservation before March 4, 2010.]